Lost your Companies House WebFiling authentication code?
Posted on 12th July 2022 at 11:39
Have you lost your company's authentication code? Retrieve it now.
A unique authentication code is supplied to each newly formed and registered company. When your company is incorporated, the Companies House issues you a six-character alphanumeric code that serves as your company's authentication code. It acts as an electronic signature for the company you are working in. You are authorised to submit company information online through Companies House WebFiling or a third-party software filing service by a company formation agent with the help of a WebFiling authentication code. Typically, a firm receives a code upon incorporation. The code can be sent to you either at your home or office. Every time you provide data to Companies House online or notify them of changes, you must include this code. Uses may consist of- verification claims, accounts of inactive companies, audit-exempt shortened accounts, fully audit-exempt annual accounts, addition or deletion of directors, addition or deletion of the company secretary, alteration of information for a current director or company secretary, changes to your company's address, date, name etc.
Once you've put your code in a "Safe Place," you might discover it's too safe. It occasionally takes place. Now the issue arises, what if you somehow lose this essential code?
Contact your company's house
Ask your company formation agent for your code.
Through the Companies House WebFiling site, you can submit a request for a reminder online. If urgent, remember that the Companies House may take up to 5 days to retrieve your code letter.
The steps followed are-
1. Sign up for Companies House WebFiling or sign in if you already have an account.
2. Click the link saying, "Request an authentication code."
3. Click "Continue" after choosing where your firm was founded and entering the company number.
4. Choose "Request code."
5. Your code will be mailed to you at your address
You can also change your code to make it easier to remember as per your comfort. To change your code, follow some simple steps mentioned below-
Sign in to web filing
Select "Company authentication" from the menu on the left
Type in your old six-digit code
Update your code by selecting "change code".
Your registered office address will get a confirmation letter from Companies House.
Since the authentication code equals a director's signature, you must take care of the same once you get it. Anyone with access to your code can modify any information about your firm online in the Companies House registers. In addition to keeping it safe, you must carefully select your authentication code such that it cannot be easily guessed. Some tips that can help in making an appropriate authentication code may include-
It should consist of both alphabets and numbers
Keep the code private
Change the code in time.
In case you find that the code can be compromised, change it asap
Avoid sharing your code over texts or saving it on your phone to prevent disasters that could take place.
Remember that Companies House will never get in touch with you to request private information about your business, such as your authentication code. Please keep it safe, and in case it's lost, you know what to do.
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