What is a SIC code?
A Standard Industrial Classification code, or SIC code, is a five digit code that describes the main business activity of a company.
There are more than 600 SIC codes in the UK. They are part of a system used by Companies House and other government bodies and agencies which identifies the main business activities of companies operating in the UK and to sort them into business categories.
The SIC code of every company is available for anyone to view on the public record.
Every company will select one or more codes that best describes the nature of their business from the official condensed list of SIC codes.
When do I need a SIC code?
When you first register a limited company with Companies House, you will need to provide at least one SIC code to describe the nature of your business. You can select up to 4 different SIC codes if needed.
Every year when you file your company Confirmation Statement you will need to confirm or update your SIC code.
How many SIC codes can a company have?
You may select up to 4 Standard Industrial Classification codes, as your products and services may be varied. One SIC code is usually sufficient for most companies, but you may select multiple depending on the company’s business activities.
For example if your company activity was to sell and repair used cars, you could use the following -
45200 (maintenance and repair of motor vehicles) would be most applicable.
45112 (sale of used cars and light motor vehicles) to the code 45200 above.
Where can I find my company SIC code?
You can find the most suitable SIC code for your company on the condensed list of SIC codes, which is provided by Companies House.
Companies House states:
"Only use SIC codes on the condensed list when filing to Companies House or your filing may be rejected."
If you need any help choosing your code, please give us a call and we’ll be happy to assist.
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List of SIC Codes
There are 16 main sections, from A to U:
Section A: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Section B: Mining and Quarrying
Section C: Manufacturing
Section D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Section E: Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Section F: Construction
Section G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Section H: Transportation and storage
Section I: Accommodation and food service activities
Section J: Information and Communication
Section K: Financial and insurance activities
Section L: Real estate activities
Section M: Professional, scientific and technical activities
Section N: Administrative and support service activities
Section O: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Section P: Education
Section Q: Human health and social work activities
Section R: Arts, entertainment and recreation
Section S: Other service activities
Section T: Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services- producing activities of households for own use
Section U: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the SIC code for dormant and non-trading companies?
If you form a company that is dormant or non-trading, you will still need to provide a SIC code.
The SIC codes you will need are below:
Dormant Companies (99999)
Non-trading Companies (74990)
Can I change my company’s SIC code?
Yes, you can change the company SIC code. The principle activities of your business could have changed or your dormant or non-trading company becomes active. You can change the SIC code when you file your next confirmation statement.
For further details on the above services or for pricing information, please contact us by email at info@ccsnationwide.co.uk or call us on +44 (0) 121 449 3045