Finding out an individual's current employment status can be vital for reasons such as debt collection. Acquiring a verified employment status enables you to make an accurate and informed judgement as to what your next recovery steps are. 


Finding out an individual's current employment status can be vital for reaons such as debt collection. Acquiring a verified employment status enables you to make an accurate and informed judgement as to what your next recovery steps are. 
An employment trace can obtain numerous elements of key information such as:  
Employer's name, address and telephone number. 
The subject's position. 
Whether a subject is unemployed or self-employed. 
Trading name. 
Contact details. 
If the subject is claiming benefits. 
If the subject has retired. 
Need Some Help? 
Fill in the form below and a member of our team will contact you shortly. 
employment trace 
What details do you need to start an employment trace?  
All we require is: 
Full name of the individual. 
Full last known residential address
Any additional information such as a date of birth, NI number or previous employment details will help us with investigations. 
For further details on the above services or for pricing information, please contact us by email at or call us on +44 (0) 121 449 3045 
All tracing instructions are accepted on the basis you have sufficient reason, authority or permission to access the individual's personal file. 
UK Contact 
FAX: +44 (0) 121 442 5340 
Head Office 
Fairgate House 
205 Kings Road 
B11 2AA 
CCS Nationwide Ltd. 
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